Opportunities for Giving

Thank You!

Thank you for supporting our church! Click the link below to give online safely and securely!

Give through Serving

All believers are called to serve God. There are many ways to give back to God with your time and talents. A listing of service opportunities is available from the church office.

Give Financially

All people should give financially as God leads them. Giving should also be done with a good attitude since “God loves a cheerful giver.” The primary route of giving most recently has been through the collection of tithes and offerings during the worship service. We do this because giving is part of our worship and an opportunity to honor God. Giving doesn’t have to be limited to a worship service offering, just as singing, praying or Bible study isn’t limited to a weekly worship service. For this reason, Waterbrook also provides opportunities for giving at other times through online giving.

Online Giving is an opportunity for those who give to provide support for Waterbrook through one-time or ongoing contributions. Our online giving is secure and available for gifts to a variety of church funds.

**A note about giving with credit cards – Our online giving option is intended for those who wish to give using debit cards, but also works with credit cards. We encourage all who give to Waterbrook to practice good stewardship. We do not encourage giving in a manner that increases your consume debt.

In addition to these forms of giving, there are also creative ways to give to Waterbrook including stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and through insurance designations and wills. Contact the church office for more information on these giving options.

Thank you for joining us in our ministry of sharing the message of Christ in Wylie and beyond. As you hear praise reports from the ongoing ministry of Waterbrook, please know it wouldn’t be happening without God’s generous provision supplied through you. We know many people give sacrificially to Waterbrook, and we are sincerely grateful for your support.

Give Online

To give online, please click the button below. You will be taken to a separate page where you can give through a secure accounting system.

Give In Person
Give In Person

You can give in person on Sunday mornings or bring your gift by any time during our normal office hours.